Press Release

FCDA and FCT Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) resolve to confront flooding in the Territory

The FCT Administration has identified illegal developments which constrict/block waterways as responsible for the flooding in some parts of the city such as Lokogoma, Dogongada, Trademore, and Efab Estates after a 4-hour downpour which occurred on Wednesday and has reinforced its determination not to allow anybody no matter how highly placed to build with impunity in the territory, as the FCT Minister, Mallam Muhammad Musa Bello has directed the immediate removal of such structures.

The Executive Secretary of the Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA) Engr. Shehu Hadi Ahmad made the declaration while receiving the management of the FCT Emergency Management Agency led by its Director-General, Mallam Abbas Idriss on a courtesy visit in his office.

The Executive Secretary stated that the FCT Minister was concerned about the re-emergence of illegal construction of properties on waterways and that the FCT Administration will not fold its arms nor sit back and allow the loss of lives and properties by innocent residents and therefore would be ready to meet the owners of such illegal properties in court if need be.  In his words, “What is happening in the city should serve as enough warning to everybody concerning NIMET’s 2022 prediction of the intensity of the levels of rains that is expected this rainy session.  Therefore, the Honourable Minister of the FCT Mallam Muhammad Musa Bello has directed that every constriction on waterways must be removed and anyone aggrieved should go to court and we will be ready to meet them there”.

The Executive Secretary said that most of these illegal constructions found to have constricted and blocked waterways which were previously removed sometime in 2019 due to the flooding which occurred at that time, leading to the death of a Director with the Judiciary Service Commission are fast finding their way back, hinted that a meeting of relevant Departments and Agencies of the FCT would soon be convened to assess and reinforce earlier resolutions on the issue of flooding in the city.

He further revealed that the FCT Administration was also considering the award of contracts for the full development of Ring Road II (RR II) which will involve the replacement of the present box culverts with about 6Nos bridges as part of a permanent Solution to the reoccurring flooding around Lokogoma and Galadamawa roundabout.

Earlier, the Director-General of the FCT Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Mallam Abbas Idriss had stated that the advent of the rains which NIMET has forecasted to commence from the 14th of May 2022, as well as the flooding in some parts of the city even before that date, calls for the need for urgent collaboration between the Agency and relevant stakeholders to ensure synergy and coordinated response before things get out of hand.

The Director-General who traced the situation of flooding in the city to urbanization which has given rise to such infractions as building on flood plains and diversion of river courses by some Estate developers appealed to the FCDA as the custodian of the Abuja Master plan to join hands with his Agency by providing the necessary backing to forestall the activities of illegal developers who carry out their activities without recourse to the effect of climatic changes.

While pledging their commitment to collaborate in the area of education and public enlightenment, the two organizations also appealed to residents especially motorists to be patient whenever it rains for it to subside especially whenever the roads are flooded to avoid unnecessary loss of lives which the Minister of the FCT, Mallam Muhamad Musa Bello was not happy about.

Richard A. Nduul

Head, Public Relations/Information, FCDA.