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The Federal Capital Development Authority, FCDA, consists of four units. These units are embedded into various departments and function as they are delegated below. They are central to the workflow of the operations in FCDA.

The FCDA Internal Audit was established as part of the management control tool to ensure strict adherence to government policies on the management of public funds, to safeguard the utilization of its assets, and to serve management in its (management’s) continued need to seek, and improve internal control within the FCDA, its activities, and systems.

In order to achieve these objectives, the Internal Audit Unit works through five (5) Sections. These sections are

  • Revenue Payroll Control
  • Expenditure Control
  • Physical Verification
  • Advances Control
  • Administrative Section.
  1. Revenue Payroll Control: This section ensures that all revenue due to the Authority is collected and promptly remitted into its coffers. It ensures that controls associated with revenue generation are in place. It also advices the Authority on revenue and related matters. It is the responsibility of this section to regularly test-check that all controls relating to staff payroll are effective and bring up regular review of same for better efficiency. It is also to ensure that a “clean” payroll is in operation at all times.
  2. Expenditure Control: Checks all payments made by the Authority for works, goods and services. It has among other things, the responsibility of ensuring that payments are made only to bonafide payees and according to laid down government procedures and regulations. Queries based on legitimate observations for corrections, and/or action, are raised by this Section and passed through to the Head of Internal Audit for the appropriate Department.
  3. Physical Verification: The section is charged with the monitoring of projects in order to achieve efficiency and economy in the execution of public projects and services. It also ensures that goods/supplies delivered to the Authority are in good working condition, conform to specifications, and are secure in the Authority’s stores in line with the government Financial Regulations. The verification of the Authority’s physical Assets including additions and legitimate subtractions also falls within the purview of this Section.
  4. Advance Control: This section ensures that all Cash Advances granted are adequately covered by relevant approvals, prudently utilized, and appropriately accounted for. It ensures that the Loan/Advances granted to staff are duly documented and recoveries strictly effected. It also monitors the maintenance of comprehensive and up-to-date records.
  5. Administrative Section: The staff of this section carry out all the administrative duties of the Unit e.g. Nominal Roll, Staff Welfare, Promotion/Discipline, etc.

The primary function of this Unit is to render legal advice to guide the activities of the Authority. Other functions of the unit include litigation, drafting of legal documents, both contractual and legislative drafting; attending to petitions and complaints that have legal implications. The unit is headed by a Deputy Director. From the inception of Legal Services, the unit had stood on its own until 2004 when it was divided into three (3) sections. These sections are Litigation, Drafting and Research.

The Litigation Section of the unit handles cases initiated against the Authority. Currently, the unit is handling about 350 cases in which the Authority, the defunct Ministry, Area Councils, Agencies and Parastatals are parties; also some of these cases have been disposed off in favour of the Authority. The subject matter of most of the cases include Termination of Appointments, Revocations, Double Allocations of Plots, Demolition of Structures and Sale of Federal Government Houses.

The Division is responsible for the preparation of contracts, drafting of Bills and legal documents. It has carried out the review of some agreements consisting of construction, services, supplies and in-Service Bond. It has also been participating in the drafting of regulations for Agencies and Parastatals of the Federal Capital Territory Administration.

The Division is responsible for conducting researches on any issue or case submitted to it. It also attends to petitions and complaints including; revocation of plots, wrongful termination of appointments, etc

Public Relations and Protocol

The Public Relations and Protocol Unit is a specialized Unit of the Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA) invested with the responsibility of managing the image/reputation of the FCDA. It is its duty to promote the authority by highlighting priorities for the Management and devising working strategies for achieving desired objectives. The Unit also communicates key messages to the internal and external publics  towards the building and maintaining of a viable Federal Capital City for the Country.

The Unit is one of the divisions directly under the office of the Executive Secretary/CEO of the FCDA. The Deputy Director (Public Relations) is the Administrative head of this Division, assisted by six sectional heads. The following are the sections under the Public Relations Division

  • Publications
  • Research and Library
  • Planning and Evaluation
  • Audio-Visual and Public Enlightenment
  • Press and Public Relations
  • Protocol


  • Provision of Public Relations Services Organises quarterly press briefing/periodic interview.
  • Handles placement of supplements in newspapers and magazines and produces jingles and documentaries for airing.
  • Organises courtesy visits to media houses
  • Produces publications (Newsletters, Journals, Brochures, handbills, Posters, etc
  • Co-ordinates the FCDA sub information centres in the Area Councils.
  • The Public Relations Division coordinates and maintains FCDA Sub-Information Centres at the Six Area Councils of the FCT through posting Public Relations Officers to these centres.

The information dissemination of the activities of the Authority up to grassroots levels and the enhancement of communication channels between the FCDA and the public rest squarely on the Public Relations Unit. The Unit also organises interactive sessions with the staff of the Authority. This is one of its internal Public Relations strategies aimed at strengthening the working relationship between the Authority and its staff.

Finally through Town Hall meetings the Unit organises stakeholders meetings with other Agencies of the FCT Administration.

Special Projects / Information Technology

Headed by a Director, this unit assists the Executive Secretary in the day-to-day running of the Authority.

It also co-ordinates the synergetic activities between the FCDA, other Agencies and Mandate Secretariats on policy formulation, administrative and technical issues of the FCT Administration.